What is with the general public’s newfound obsession with fireworks!?
Since Memorial Day, fireworks sales (and fireworks-related noise complaints) have skyrocketed. As the nation tries to crack down on this issue, Boston has enjoyed a nearly 2,000% increase in such complaints when compared to last year.
The supposed reasons?
Contact us for guidance on key messaging that will make your sales soar.
People are hungry for entertainment, seeking out ways to express their patriotism following coronavirus quarantines, and finding alternatives to celebrate July 4th as there have been widespread cancellations of typical festivities. Plus, suppliers’ promotions and product discounts have contributed to additional sales.
NBC News reports, “Instead of only advertising the promotion to previous customers, they took out billboards, radio ads and targeted online ads, in addition to their catalogs and direct mailers, hoping to capture business and keep their stores in the black amid the nationwide lockdowns… Rather than seeing their business cut in half, stores have seen sales soaring more than 200 percent in some locations.”
With fireworks businesses (and TikTok) coming out roses in 2020, what marketing and sales techniques can you take away from this to help your businesses soar into 2021?
1) What do your clients need and want? Both personally and professionally? (But not, as with fireworks, at the expense of others…)
2) How can you directly communicate – by phone, Zoom, email or LinkedIn – that need in a creative way that separates you from your competition? For example, here’s an instructional video of some preliminary guidance, but my expertise on this matter will meet your goals.
3) Can you utilize your network and make a potential new client an offer they cannot refuse? For instance, given recent crises, now may be a time to brush up on your media skills. I’m offering you [said new client] a discounted media training consultation with our PR gurus to help you handle and prepare for future crises.
4) Where can you reach new clients? With the nation’s renewed focus on health and citizens now itching to get out, are there new platforms to advertise?
It seems like with everything that has come to fruition, this is another “perfect storm” scenario for fireworks companies. How can you appreciate the same?
Contact us for guidance on key messaging that will make your sales soar.