We’ve all heard the steady drumbeat of promised test kits and antibody tests from our nation’s talking heads. Yet even in coronavirus epicenters, these tests are hard to come by.
This is crisis communications 101. In times of crises, you must follow these two rules: 1) Do not make empty promises; and 2) always manage expectations.
The epitome of bad messaging.
You may have seen the following post circulating around Facebook on the supposed new coronavirus guidelines.
The epitome of bad messaging; and the reason why we advise all clients to develop three key talking points and to reiterate those points three times over.
It’s important to note, however, that one of the most critical requirements of making solid communications decisions is an understanding of the information landscape. Unfortunately, one of the key attributes of this pandemic crisis is the fluidness of information, unknowns and uncertainty about the virus itself, and ever-changing nature of the data.
So, how do you make good messaging decisions during Covid-19?
1) Gather the best intel possible; 2) communicate your firm’s decisions once they are implemented; and 3) ensure you are actively following the advice you’re giving clients.
These three simple steps will ensure your voice remains one of authenticity and trust.