Coming out of the second full weekend of isolation from coronavirus, the general public is itching for social interaction. This past weekend was especially packed with live-streamed concerts, TikTok videos, and Houseparty calls.
Though entertainers and apps make our personal lives a little bit more bearable while in quarantine, how can we apply digital trends to our professional lives?
With social distancing extended through April 30th, the amount of branded content created between now and then will be astronomical.
If you have a partner using new digital channels or techniques to promote their marketing content, email me for potential inclusion in a future post.
In a recent Corporate Counsel Business Journal webinar, “Why Thought Leadership Matters Now More Than Ever,” LexBlog CEO Kevin O’Keefe stressed how network members are publishing more than 300 posts per day on Covid19-related legal issues. The staggering growth reflects how law firm thought leaders are communicating with their audiences, now more than ever, in order to maintain some sort of calming presence in this time of crisis. By constantly sharing legal resources and opinions, new and existing clients will be armed with ways to navigate the pandemic.
That is the goal. However, the post rate is only bound to increase over this next month. So, how can your firm cut through the Covid-19 content clutter?
Here is a quick guide from O’Keefe and the other webinar speakers, Joe Calve of McGuireWoods and Deborah Farone of Farone Advisors:
1) Your content must be unique. What do your clients need? How are your services different than your competitors?
2) Be human first. What are you passionate about? Only publish content when it helps people; not to gain business.
3) Communicate through the correct channels. Meet your clients where they are.
All three points vary by partner, but this third piece is more predictable in our current digital state. So, you need to consider: What platforms is the partner most familiar? Where will his/her personality be best portrayed? Are there ways to elevate the partner’s social shares?
For instance, rather than jot down a sentence or two when introducing a new insight on LinkedIn, perhaps your partner could provide a brief video introduction. Now is the time to experiment.
If you have a partner using new digital channels or techniques to promote their marketing content, email me for potential inclusion in a future post.