In today’s complex media landscape, law firms are increasingly aware of the importance of thought leadership in attracting high-value clients and top-tier talent. Traditional metrics, such as advertising equivalency, fall short in accurately assessing the value of thought leadership for professional service firms. Why? Because they don’t consider the unique goals and nuances of law firms, where credibility and expertise are paramount.
By using points to score results, our FAME system facilitates very accurate resource allocation decisions.
In light of this, there’s been a shift towards a more nuanced measurement methodology, one that specifically evaluates each piece of content’s or activity’s ability to credential partners as experts in their respective fields. Our content-fueled business development system, which we call FAME (for Focused Authoritative Media Exposure) assigns “base points” to different types of content, like getting quoted (1,500 points), being published (2,000 points), etc., and creates a unique, gamified incentive for partners to participate in thought leadership campaigns.
Using a “points” system also enables us to benchmark clients against their competitors (one-on-one or for full practices). For instance, if we run a comparison and find a competitor with 10,000 points of FAME, whereas our client is starting with 2,000 over the same period, we know we need to generate at least another 8,000 points to be competitive. Importantly, a worthwhile goal for the average partner to accumulate for effective business development is about 5,000 points of content or about 2,000 more than their biggest competitor.
By using points to score results, our content-fueled business development system FAME facilitates very accurate resource allocation decisions. As a result, law firms and other professional services firms can operate with greater strategic clarity, better allocating their media efforts to maximize focused authoritative media exposure for their thought leaders.