Want to be a leader in the legal profession? Well, Law360 has some advice for you. The e-pub just rounded up comments from a number of managing partners on the topic of how junior lawyers can position themselves to become leaders within their firms. This is a subject of great interest to associates and junior partners, no doubt. Interestingly, however, much of the feedback that Law360 received is applicable to an even wider audience.
The factors that help make one a leader within his or her firm are not exclusive to the legal profession.
Reading through the commentary, it becomes obvious, first, that the factors that help make one a leader within his or her firm are not exclusive to the legal profession. They apply to a variety of professional settings, and certainly all professional service firms. Second, it becomes obvious that the key to becoming a leader internally (i.e., within one’s firm) is similar, if not identical, to that which makes one a leader externally (i.e., a lawyer who pulls in business). Specifically, to meet both of these goals, it’s necessary for professionals to build their reputations.
Call it “raising your profile,” as Law360 does, or personal “brand-building,” as Sean Wajert of Shook Hardy does, but the bottom line is the same: leaders have to make themselves known to others.
Here are some of the specific tips that caught our eye:
- Gordon Quan of the Quan Law Group “suggests choosing an area of interest and co-writing an article with a current firm leader.” For lawyers of any experience level, writing an article is a great way to distinguish themselves as “an expert in that specific area.”
- Wajert and Mayanne Downs, litigation chair at GrayRobinson, both suggest volunteering for internal roles like committee assignments. Although they don’t say so explicitly, taking the same approach within professional organizations—volunteering for bar committees, for instance—helps distinguish one as a leader among peers at other firms.
Wajert and Kent Altom of McCalla Raymer also emphasize the importance of demonstrating civility and competence in interactions with clients and colleagues. Exhibiting these leadership qualities will help confirm that a lawyer is ready for greater responsibility.