David Jacobson, a partner in the law firm of Sonnenschein Nath & Rosenthal (SNR), wanted to raise awareness of the firm’s E-Business practice, which he had co-founded. With his firm’s financial backing, David acquired the rights to bring First Tuesday (a very popular, international, Internet networking forum) to the United States.
The goal was to increase the visibility of the firm’s E-Business practice in Chicago. If successful, the firm would expand its efforts and include additional offices.
HC creates a high-tech culture.
HC created a media strategy that targeted print, broadcast, Internet and radio outlets in the Chicago, Washington, New York, and Silicon Valley markets. Messages were created that highlighted the value of First Tuesday and the firm’s cutting-edge E-business practice. David and other partners were media trained in order to effectively communicate the firm’s messages to the media.
Numerous press releases, media alerts, and other materials were distributed to the media announcing events and new developments. A VIP media Email list was created so that announcements would be delivered directly to the most interested and involved reporters.
Pre-publicity generated crowds in excess of 1,500 people at the first First Tuesday event in Chicago, as eager attendees formed a two-block long line waiting to get in. First Tuesday Chicago became an instant monthly “must attend” event and by May, SNR expanded First Tuesday to cover New York, Washington, St. Louis, and Kansas City.
National placements about First Tuesday and the firm included a front page feature in the New York Time’s Sunday Edition, a feature segment on CNN’s “Business Unusual,” and feature stories in Associated Press, Fortune, Money, and American Lawyer.
Multiple placements appeared in Chicago-based media including: Chicago Tribune, Sun-Times, Crain’s Chicago Business, Associated Press, Reuters, WGN-TV, WBBM-TV (CBS), WLS-TV (ABC), WGN-Radio, WBBM-AM, WLS-FM, The May Report, and E-Prarie.com. Given the success, the firm was positioned as the deliverer of a “high-tech networking culture” to the Midwest.
In Washington, DC, more than 20 stories about the firm and First Tuesday appeared in outlets including: Washington Post, Washington Times, Washington Business Journal, WAMU-Radio (NPR), WJFK-FM, Wash tech.com, Potomac Tech Journal, Techway Magazine, and the Legal Times.
Other placements included articles in Crain’s Detroit Business, Kansas City Star, Kansas City Business Journal, Globe and Mail, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, and Money.com.
As it desired, Sonnenschein Nath & Rosenthal’s E-Business practice became a major provider to entrepreneurs and developing businesses.