Remember those iconic ads from Carlton Cigarettes and Ketel One Vodka that apologized for their advertising? “If you smoke, please try Carlton’s.” And, “Dear Ketel One Drinker, This is an advertisement for the aforementioned product. Sorry.”
These ads always appealed to me because, like all the professionals we work for, I hate selling. But, as we all know, it’s a must… So, as you head into your Fall budgeting season, I wanted to respectfully request that if you’re considering earned media campaigns to promote your practices and credential partners’ expertise, please consider Hellerman Communications.
We’ve been an innovative, award-winning communications agency for the professional services community for nearly 20 years. While our strategy and communications counsel is best in class (e.g., Chambers-ranked, global 100, etc.) what makes us truly unique is that we’re the only agency willing to bet on it!
Using our proprietary, patent-pending, RESULTS SYSTEM called POINTS, we do not bill for time or effort spent engaging in media relations. Instead, a partner’s or practice’s strategic campaign is designed by assigning values to an acceptable universe of desired outcomes (e.g., media, awards, clients, etc.) based on the importance of each to them. Points are deducted from their account when – and only when – the specific outcomes are achieved.
POINTS isn’t just another way to pay for PR services. Our RESULTS SYSTEM offers certainty regarding PR-deliverables and enables you to allocate your marketing and public relations resources more accurately and effectively. And, by scoring outcomes according to their strategic value, we’re able to benchmark your practices and partners against their peers and competitors, and make the campaign’s impact exceedingly clear to the firm’s leaders.
It’s not the best solution for every firm (and we work in all the other traditional ways), but even if you’re just a little curious about our RESULTS SYSTEM, please give John Hellerman a call at 202-841-8153 or jhellerman@hellermanllc.com. He’d be more than happy to show you how it works.